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Animal farm analysis essay

Animal farm analysis essay

animal farm analysis essay

Jul 01,  · His novel The Animal Farm is his most popular. It is a satirical piece that portrays a society that fully embraces totalitarian rules, much to the chagrin of those who want “individual freedom” (Kerala 36). All of George Orwell’s novels seem to defend one main theme: socialism Feb 21,  · Only Clover, Benjamin, and some of the pigs remember the revolution. Animal Farm is more prosperous than ever. The windmill is finished, though instead of producing electricity it’s used to mill flour, and brings in a hefty profit. Although the farm is richer, only the pigs and dogs seem better blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Jun 16,  · Animal Farm Analysis The novel Animal Farm by George Orwell is about a farm originally run by humans taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. The animals set to create a socialist community in which every animal is equal and should cooperate with others to achieve a paradise where every animal is free

George Orwell and Animal Farm: A Critical Analysis - Words | Critical Writing Example

An animal animal farm analysis essay is traditionally discussed as a place where animals are bred by humans. The farms are usually named after the owner. However, Animal Farm is rather different.

It is a place where animals are owners of the properties Orwell 6. While referring to the meaning and significance of the phrase which is used for the title of the novella, it is important to emphasize the opposition between animals and humans as well as their differences. However, the ownership of the farm by animals is a rather provocative idea.

Providing the title for the work, Orwell seems to ask the questions about the differences in the regime of the Soviet Union and irrational rule of animals at the farm. The major themes represented in the novella are the leadership and power in the Soviet Union, corruption, inequality, the role of an individual in the society, exploitation, and control.

In his novella, Orwell discusses animal farm analysis essay power in the Soviet Union as unlimited and focused in the hands of the elite, as it is typical for the totalitarian governments. These leaders are allegorically described in the characters of pigs which are powerful, but selfish, brutal, and vicious.

The theme of corruption is discussed with the help of stating that the absolute power makes people corrupted or depraved because of receiving the unlimited resources.

Thus, Orwell also discusses the themes of inequality and the role of an individual in the society. In spite of the fact that the Animal Revolution was declared to be organized for the welfare of all animals, animal farm analysis essay, only the leaders received the real benefits. The same situation was observed in the Soviet Union.

The social stratification and the division into rich and poor were not overcome, but these problems were hidden now. The other significant themes discussed in the fable are exploitation and control supported by the leaders of the revolution. The pigs were satisfied with the work of hard-working animal farm analysis essay, but any differences in the views could result in violent punishment.

This allegory represents how Stalin chose to resolve the problems with dissenters. Major persuades the animals that they are better than men, and they have to rebel while focusing on the threats of exploitation. However, animal farm analysis essay, the significance of the passage is in the fact that the pigs forget about their statements and ideals while receiving some power, and they begin to exploit the others.

This principle is actively followed by lower class animals, but it is also used by the pigs to exploit workers, animal farm analysis essay. The ideology prevents these animals from seeing the real situation at Animal Farm.

The expulsion of Snowball with the help of dogs can be discussed as the important allegorical description of the struggle between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky observed in the Soviet Union. Napoleon used any means to realize his goals. Napoleon could not support his leadership with the other resources, and he used violence to state his high social position.

This moment is symbolic to represent the deterioration of any Socialist principles declared at Animal Farm. The next significant passage is about judging Snowball as a scapegoat. This moment is important to describe the reality of Animal Farm and make the reader think about the Soviet Union. Snowball was accused of any crime at the farm only because he did not support Napoleon. Thus, the authorities used all the cruel methods to justify and support their regime while violating the basic principles of their ideologies.

The setting of the novella is imaginary Manor Farm located in England. This place animal farm analysis essay the communal territories owned by the animals after the Animal Revolution. The time period associated with the described events is not stated clearly. Animal Farm becomes the place where animals live according to animal farm analysis essay principles of Animalism and equality of all the animals.

These equal animals have the only enemy in men who previously exploited them Orwell 4. Concentrating on the allegorical meaning of the novella, it is possible to note that the setting of the story is the Soviet Union after the period of the Russian Revolution in and during the rule of Joseph Stalin.

The setting can be considered as affecting the plot significantly because all the described events occur at Animal Farm where animals try to develop the communal way of life. This farm becomes the place where the pigs win the people and receive the power.

It is possible to state that the story could be told in a different setting, but the features of the fable can be lost because the main distinctive feature of the novella is its allegorical character, animal farm analysis essay. While putting the characters of the novella in the real-life setting, it is possible to discuss the moments animal farm analysis essay the history of the Soviet Union without using any allegories and metaphors in order to accentuate the dramatic animal farm analysis essay of the regime.

The main characters of the novella are Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, Squealer, and Old Major. The character of Napoleon is based on the personality of Joseph Stalin. This ambitious pig tries to become a leader at Animal Farm after the death of Old Major.

Napoleon uses all the means to achieve the goal, and these means are mostly persuasive speeches and unlimited violence, animal farm analysis essay. As a result, Napoleon can be described as a political tyrant. The character of Snowball is based on the personality of Leon Trotsky, the main rival of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Snowball is an idealist, and he also wants to become a leader at Animal Farm, but he fails because of avoiding the use of extremely violent means and because of basing only on clear reasoning.

That is why, Napoleon makes Snowball to become a scapegoat in order to receive the opportunity to cope with the smart competitor. Boxer is a cart-horse who represents the working class at Animal Farm. He is loyal, strong, naïve, and dedicated to the ideals of Animalism.

Boxer can be discussed as motivated by the belief in the better future and achievements of the working animals. Old Major is an old pig whose character is written basing on the personalities of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Old Major is rather wise, animal farm analysis essay, and he is focused on finding better ways for living at farm while avoiding the exploitation of the animals as the lower class Orwell The character to whom it is possible to relate oneself is Boxer.

This cart-horse is the appropriate choice because he discusses the hard work as the only way to build the better future, and he tries to inspire the others to do their best to create something good. The novella is based on the description of the problematic relationships between Napoleon and Snowball. These pigs are rivals in their fight for animal farm analysis essay at Animal Farm.

In spite of the fact that both Napoleon and Snowball orient to receiving the unlimited leadership and influence, the methods which they use to complete the goals are different. That is why, Napoleon who uses violence and fear becomes more powerful than Snowball who uses reasoning. Although Napoleon and Snowball start applying the ideals of Animalism to the regime at Animal Farm as a team, they need more leadership after the death of Old Major.

These relations are typical for the ruling class where the fight for power is not only extreme but also prolonged. The other type of relationships is described with references to workers Boxer and Benjamin. The horse and the donkey represent different visions and attitudes to the world and situation, but they live to support each other.

Boxer can be described as more enthusiastic and positive while discussing the ideals of Animalism, animal farm analysis essay. Benjamin is more passive in spite of the fact that he understands the real situation at Animal Farm. Thus, this character represents the visions of the majority in the Soviet Union. The narrative point used in Animal Farm is third-person, and this point of view can be discussed as impersonal and omniscient because Orwell is not presented as a character in the work.

Thus, the anonymous narrator not only retells the actions of the animals, but he also presents the motives and thoughts of such characters as Napoleon, Squealer, Boxer, and Benjamin Orwell As a result, this perspective can affect the way according to which the story is told and understood by the reader. The narrator can animal farm analysis essay be described as detached, and there are more opportunities for the author to present and develop the allegorical meaning of the novella while focusing on the real motivation of such characters as Napoleon and Squealer while comparing their words, thoughts, and actions with the activities of the other animals at the farm Orwell That is why, animal farm analysis essay, the choice of the perspective is rather appropriate to address the idea or message of this satirical story.

The ending of the novella can be discussed as appropriate to represent the result of corruption of the ideals and principles developed at Animal Farm. Thus, animals betrayed their ideals because of the benefits of working with their human enemies.

However, the last scene demonstrates that animals and men have many features in common because of their focus on cheating, exploiting, and expanding only their own properties. Thus, animal farm analysis essay, Orwell effectively stresses on how tyrants can use the ideals against the lower classes and support their power with the methods used by the previous leaders.

Animal Farm should be recommended for reading to others because this allegorical novella is helpful to understand the nature of the totalitarian regimes which can be based on the effective ideals. Furthermore, the novella is interesting to help readers become detached from the historical reality associated with the Russian Revolution and look at the events from the other perspective.

The satirical anti-utopian story makes the reader think about the true nature of many things observed in different types of the society. In his work, animal farm analysis essay, Orwell effectively discussed the threats of the totalitarian regimes which can be corrupted because of the aspects of the human nature.

That is why, the novella can be actively recommended to the readers to look at the political events from the perspective of the satirical fable. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Animal Farm by George Orwell: Literary Analysis. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

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Animal Farm: A+ Student Essay | SparkNotes

animal farm analysis essay

George Orwell’s Animal Farm examines the insidious ways in which public officials can abuse their power, as it depicts a society in which democracy dissolves into autocracy and finally into totalitarianism. From the Rebellion onward, the pigs of Animal Farm use Feb 21,  · Only Clover, Benjamin, and some of the pigs remember the revolution. Animal Farm is more prosperous than ever. The windmill is finished, though instead of producing electricity it’s used to mill flour, and brings in a hefty profit. Although the farm is richer, only the pigs and dogs seem better blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Jul 01,  · His novel The Animal Farm is his most popular. It is a satirical piece that portrays a society that fully embraces totalitarian rules, much to the chagrin of those who want “individual freedom” (Kerala 36). All of George Orwell’s novels seem to defend one main theme: socialism

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