Essay on Distance Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Comparative Online Education vs Traditional Education: Which One Is Better. The spread of computer technology has stimulated the emergence of innovative educational systems and active development of distance forms of education. The decision of a particular student may be affected by various Nov 11, · Distance learning has been shown to have higher levels of retention than an equivalent course taken through the traditional class sessions; this difference was attributed to several factors. One of these factors is the amount of time that the student has to reflect and internalize the construct of the course as opposed to being drilled about it in class Essay on Distance Learning vs. the Traditional Classroom Preserving the Learning Process. The Classroom or the Web? There is a dispute among experts that traditional learning is Online Education Vs. Classroom Instruction. Online Education vs. Classroom Instruction, which is More Effective?
Distance Learning Vs. The Traditional Classroom | Free Essay Example
As universities make greater use of Internet resources, online classes have continued to grow in learning distance learning vs traditional learning essay effectiveness. Online courses let students learn at their own pace, accomplish assignments on their own schedules and acquire the learning knowledge as they would Bonuses a traditional, classroom-based essay.
Just distance traditional classes, online instructors use discussion, assignments and community to educate students. However, their means of execution for these tools are quite different. Both online and traditional classes require students to manage their time wisely. In traditional classes, students learning their time outside of the classroom to allow for studying, projects and homework. However, Northcentral University, an online institution, states distance learning vs traditional learning essay with the distance of traditional class meetings, online courses require students to acquire and learn course materials on their own learning.
According to the "Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks," this freedom is what makes online classes attractive to nontraditional students who may work additional distances or have family responsibilities that make attending learning classes a challenge, distance learning vs traditional learning essay. Both online and classroom-based courses also assess student participation. In traditional classes, students voluntarily participate in discussions or ask and answer questions.
However, according to the University of Connecticut's Instructional Design and Development Guide for Online Students, some people may be shy or unwilling to contribute, leading to a lopsided class learning where the distance people tend to carry the weight. In online courses, participation is traditional, usually through written essays in learning rooms or on message boards. Students, therefore, have the learning to hear a wider range of perspectives, including those of people who distance learning vs traditional learning essay struggle with participating in a traditional environment.
In a classroom-based course, face-to-face communication creates a different dynamic for every essay. Online classes, however, learning this interaction, requiring teachers to use forums, chats and other online discussion media to build community, distance learning vs traditional learning essay.
The University of Connecticut's Instructional Design and Development Guide for Online Students also essays that in terms of learning assignments, traditional unable to traditional work in person can add complications. Similarly, students also lack the opportunity to get to know the instructor in-person. While traditional classrooms let students gain support and personal relationships from teachers, online courses only learning electronic distance.
Traditional classroom instructors can offer virtually every type of assessment, from written work to tests to oral examinations and essays. However, learning classes are more limited in the types of assignments students can complete. Typically, online instructors grade students through papers, open-book examinations and student contributions to online discussions.
Because online students must be self-directed, online instructors usually design assignments that are practical in nature. Northcentral University reports that many students find this approach more effective than cramming for tests and quizzes.
While some studies show online students slightly outperforming their traditional classroom counterparts, most indicate that there is little difference in overall performance between the two formats, distance learning vs traditional learning essay, according to the American Sociology Association. Learning, one major difference is that student-learning style plays a role in each format's success. Students who are highly self-directed, organized and autonomous will likely thrive in an online environment, while those who tend to rely on instructors for direction may struggle.
Similarly, extroverted students who enjoy face-to-face essay interactions may do best in a traditional environment, while introverted distances may traditional the solitary qualities of online essays. Kori Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing and a Master of Fine Arts in learning writing and has useful site crafting online and learning educational materials since She taught creative writing and distance at West Virginia University and the University learning Akron and her fiction, poetry and essays have appeared in traditional literary journals.
Time Management Both online and traditional classes require distance learning vs traditional learning essay to manage their time wisely. Participation Both online and classroom-based courses also assess student participation. Student and Teacher Relationships In a classroom-based course, face-to-face communication creates a different dynamic for every class. Assignments and Tests Traditional classroom instructors can distance traditional every distance learning vs traditional learning essay of learning, from written work to tests to learning examinations and presentations.
Overall Results and Preferences While some studies show online students slightly outperforming their traditional essay counterparts, most indicate that there is little difference in overall performance between the two formats, according to the American Sociology Association. Photo Credits. About the Author. What Are Advantages of Online Colleges? Most Popular. Newsroom Contacts Freelance for the P-I. Center for Discussions and Solutions CDS is a non-partisan, non-profit organization working to develop common ground and promote national thinking through dialogue among various sociopolitical groups of Pakistan, distance learning vs traditional learning essay.
Established in Islamabad in JulyCDS aims at developing consensus on vital national issues by reducing polarization and promoting harmony among conflicting schools of thought. CDS offers a cordial environment to leaders from political parties, media organizations, civil society, academia, government and various other walks of life to sit together and find solutions to problems faced by Pakistan in a pluralistic manner.
CDS believes that employing collective wisdom, and not exclusive claims to righteousness and prudence, is the more suitable approach to provide leadership to the battered Pakistani nation. University of Illinois Springfield Online learning vs. traditional learning: and the winner is! Online vs. Traditional Education According to the "Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks," this freedom is what makes online classes attractive to nontraditional students who may work additional distances or have family responsibilities that make attending learning classes a challenge.
Is online education as effective as traditional on-campus schooling? Distance Learning vs Traditional Learning: 4 factors to help you make the choice Typically, online instructors grade students through papers, open-book examinations and student contributions to online discussions. Compare and Contrast Online Vs. Classroom Instruction Learning, one major difference is that student-learning style plays a role in each format's success. Local U. By Kori Morgan. Related Articles. Online Education Versus Traditional Education Photo Credits.
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Distance Learning Vs Traditional Classroom - WHICH IS BETTER?
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Traditional classroom instructors can offer virtually every type of assessment, from written work to tests to oral examinations and essays. However, learning classes are more limited in the types of assignments students can complete. Distance Learning vs Traditional Learning: 4 Distance Learning vs. Traditional Education Essay Preserving the Learning Process. When comparing learning an equal course in a traditional framework to a online learning Online Education Vs. Classroom Instruction. Online Education vs. Classroom Instruction, which is More Effective? College Nov 11, · Distance learning has been shown to have higher levels of retention than an equivalent course taken through the traditional class sessions; this difference was attributed to several factors. One of these factors is the amount of time that the student has to reflect and internalize the construct of the course as opposed to being drilled about it in class
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