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Some things you may not know: Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy teaches autistic kids to hide sensory pain, and increases the likelihood of PTSD and suicidality in autistic people. What is Trauma? Further, ABA therapy is not child-led, unlike most other therapies. Instead, the ABA therapist themselves and the parent decide what goals the child must meet. Autistic masking, which most of us do for decades, or an entire lifetime, often leads to poor mental health and even increased suicidality.
Research on trauma, sensory sensitivities, and the effectiveness of ABA therapy is below. This podcast talks about how long-term chronic stress and microaggressions can lead to CPTSD. This is likely how autistic kids in ABA therapy become traumatized. Brené with Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce D. Perry on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing. How Dr. an overactivity and over reactivity. And all of these things literally activate your stress response system in an unpredictable way.
Traumatic experiences early in life are going to have more impact on you than the same experience later in life, is homework harmful or helpful research.
The infant is less capable of dealing than the older child. Brene Brown. ABA therapy does not allow an autistic is homework harmful or helpful research control of their environment.
for autistic kids, or if they do, are simply used as an incentive with a time limit, is homework harmful or helpful research, and not used as a true sensory support.
Would you ever reward a child for putting their hand on a hot stove? They are not something that can go away by playing loud sounds or bright lights at us. Our brains are wired differently in both positive and negative waysand due to this difference, many of us cannot habituate to stimuli.
Playing loud noises to a child, putting scratchy clothes on a child, or making a child sit under bright lights or strong smells without their consent, with known sensory sensitivities, is just as painful and traumatizing as rewarding or even forcing any child to put their hand on a hot stove.
My Experience I have hyperacusis eardrum pain with moderately loud sounds and I have lived 24 years as an undiagnosed autistic person with hyperacusis. I never wore ear protection during that time and I was an anxious wreck.
It is a part of my neurology. Ear protection has been the necessary and helpful sensory support I have needed all along and has made my quality of life significantly better. The US Military Report from has shown that ABA does not increase quality of life for autistic children:.
In the West region, there is no statistically significant correlation between the total number of direct hours rendered and is homework harmful or helpful research measure scores. The West region trend line demonstrated a flat trend line noting no correlation with rendered hours of ABA services.
There does not appear to be a correlation between outcome measures and the number of hours rendered. In other words, the number of hours rendered does not appear to impact outcomes.
If the amount of direct ABA services was correlated with improvement, the trend line would demonstrate a statistically significant negative slope. Respondents of all ages who were exposed to ABA were 86 percent more likely to meet the PTSD criteria than respondents who were not exposed to ABA.
Adults and children both had increased chances 41 and percent, respectively of meeting the PTSD criteria if they were exposed to ABA. Both adults and children without ABA exposure had a 72 percent chance of reporting no PTSS see Figure 1. Journal Article Quoted Below: Treating self-injurious behaviors in autism spectrum disorder —.
Meaning, many of these individuals do not have the skills to regulate or communicate and therefore it is their only way to cope…Research has been fairly transparent that a high proportion of children with ASD with severe impairments use challenging behavior as a form of expressionand even if the behavior is ignored, the child will still engage in SIB in order to try to communicate Chiang, A Functional Behavior Assessment or Analysis is a method that is widely used in Applied Behavioral Analysis ABA therapy…the principles of behaviorism is homework harmful or helpful research are implemented through ABA therapy do not take into account internal processes.
Consequently, the FBA was designed to determine the function or cause of external behaviors by identifying external triggers or stimuli. Some common hypotheses derived from the application of an FBA suggest the function of SIB is likely social attention, access to tangible rewards, to escape or avoid certain activities or situations, or due to internal self-stimulation Minshawi et al. It is unclear why one would think these responses are appropriate for someone who is engaging in SIB since these responses do not follow any evidenced-based treatment or theoretical orientation.
A psychologist or therapist would not respond to any client this way after discovering their client has been or is engaging in SIB. Headbanging can be due to experience pain sensory or physicalor due to lack of an effective method of communication even highly speaking autistic people can have difficulty expressing emotions and what they need using speech :.
Baghdadli et al, is homework harmful or helpful research. various behavioral hypotheses and treatment recommendations have arisen from these FBA, despite the inappropriate use of this assessment tool and its inherent methodological flaws…. the conclusions for the functions of [self-injurious behavior] reached [in ABA] are varied, inconsistent, and without any scientific basis.
Therefore, is homework harmful or helpful research, any treatment recommendations that are derived from an FBA should be considered unreliable since the assessment method in it of itself is unscientificas it attempts to measure an unobservable construct, which is outside of the sphere of behaviorism and should only be performed by someone trained in psychology.
Quote Below from How much compliance is too much compliance: Is long-term ABA therapy abuse? This overstimulation is seen in the over-activation of the amygdala when eye-gaze is held for longer Dalton et al. Additionally, many stimming movements or behaviors have been shown to be related to stress and anxietywhich can cause unusual sensations and movements to escalate, while others are related to painful sensory hyperactivity Baron et al, is homework harmful or helpful research.
Is homework harmful or helpful research lifetime of being punished for certain movements, and being forced to engage in eye contact despite the physiological pain and discomfort of doing so, is psychological and physical abuse. CW ABA 1. The most common "therapy" to tell a parent of a newly diagnosed autistic kid to go to is a form of conversation therapy called Applied Behavioral Analysis.
That's the main "therapy" covered by insurance in the US, is homework harmful or helpful research. Most parents have no idea that it is bad. They keep talking about how autistic adults are just one voice. This sums up ABA: "The parent of a young child with autism has to be regarded as the 1 stakeholder and the voice that is the most important for us to listen to. The mom talking about what the ABA therapist wants her to do: "That's going to be really hard for me as a mother, because he's my baby.
Yes, this is abuse. Let me show you how many types of consent ABA therapists break. SayNoToABA ColorTheSpectrum First: "Consent: Both people want to share touch. ABA therapists do "hand-over-hand" to make autistic kids complete tasks that they either can't physically do or won't do. Not because of being overfaced, or fear, or exhausted, is homework harmful or helpful research, or in pain, or wanting autonomy, or the task being beyond their developmental level, etc then?
Over and over again, the children are given painful eye contact and sugary snacks. To see if it makes it any more effective, the researcher adds in hugs, pats or handshakes.
Yes, hugs. No, this isn't a known, trusted carer. I looked in vain for a meaningful discussion of the ethics of all of this. A is homework harmful or helpful research statement of general compliance.
I looked for evidence of consent. No, the children were not given any meaningful chance to say no. I looked for mention of adverse effects, long term harms. Have we potentially damaged is homework harmful or helpful research teeth with all the sugar? Have we potentially led them into eating disorders with all of this food based reinforcement? Have we taught them there is no escape from humiliating and meaningless things so they must submit?
SayNoToABA What neurotypical ABA therapy would look like: Rewarding a child for not making eye contact. Rewarding a child for stimming and taking the reward away when they don't stim anymore.
I want to clarify something. When we say "ABA is abuse" we don't mean rewarding a child for doing their homework, that they can do, is abuse. Please remember that any "therapy" for an autistic child, even when it's not labeled as ABA it could be anything — occupational therapy, play therapy, art therapy, music therapy, speech and language therapy Any therapy can be doing ABA. Always ask to sit in on the session.
What are you getting therapy for? On AutisticPrideDay — Please think about why you assume that every autistic child needs therapy. Please think about the fact that autistic people grow and develop skills on their own, sometimes is homework harmful or helpful research their own pace.
You will have professionals, teachers, other parents constantly pressuring you about ABA. ABA therapy will not help. Is homework harmful or helpful research teaches autistic kids to hide who they are, to mask, which can lead to increase suicidality and mental health issues years later.
If a professional is doing something that is putting your kid in distress — trust your instinct. This is what ABA is. Compliance, and trauma. Why nearly every autistic person fears being treated like this, the standard 'positive' approach of ABA teams. Problem for whom? Adaptive to what? ABA does not offer independent arguments for the immanent social values it manipulates on behalf of the authorities governing the world of the child.
The clinician smuggles the interests of institutions into allegedly neutral techniques, disguising social obligations as moral imperatives—and moral imperatives as scientific truths. About a week ago, I wrote a very long twitter thread directed at parents of autistic kid, and am now putting it in blog form for easy access. Here are the most common questions I see from parents of autistic kids, answered in this blog post: click here to read more.
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