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World war 2 facts homework help

World war 2 facts homework help

world war 2 facts homework help

During World War II, Britain was called ‘the Home Front’ – the war affected people not just fighting in armies on the front lines, but back in their own towns and neighbourhoods.; All the different plans and ways to help get Britain through World War II was called ‘the war effort’.Helping the war effort meant anything from planting vegetables to making fighter planes Interesting Facts about the United States in World War I. The United States had 4,, military personnel involved in World War I. It suffered , casualties including , soldiers that were killed. The United States didn't become an official member of Jan 15,  · Several different types of air raid shelters were used by the people of Britain during the Blitz of World War 2. Some of these shelters made use of structures and underground spaces which already existed, and some of the shelters were constructed from scratch. Here are some details about some of the different types. Cellars [ ]

Winston Churchill | TheSchoolRun

The post—World War II economic expansionalso known world war 2 facts homework help the postwar economic boom or the Golden Age of Capitalism[1] [2] was a broad period of worldwide economic expansion beginning after World War II and ending with the — recession. Contrary to early predictions, this high growth also included many countries that had been devastated by the war, such as Japan Japanese economic miracleWest Germany and Austria WirtschaftswunderSouth Korea Miracle on the Han RiverBelgium Belgian economic miracleFrance Trente GlorieusesItaly Italian economic miracle and Greece Greek economic miracle.

Even countries that were relatively unaffected by the war such as Sweden Record years experienced considerable economic growth. In academic literature, the period is typically referred to as the post—World War II economic boom or simply the postwar economic boom. Another name for the era is the Golden Age of Capitalism, a term coined by heterodox economist Stephen Marglin. Economist Roger Middleton states that economic historians generally agree on as the start date for the golden age, [4] while Robert Skidelsky states is the most recognized start date.

While this is the global period, specific world war 2 facts homework help experienced business expansions for different periods; in Taiwanthe Taiwan Miracle lasted into the late world war 2 facts homework help, for instance, while in France the period is referred to as Trente Glorieuses Glorious 30 [years] and is considered to extend for the year period from to Skidelsky devotes ten pages of his book Keynes: The Return of the Master to a comparison of the golden age to what he calls the Washington Consensus period, which he dates as spanning — — being a transitional period : [5].

Skidelsky suggests the high global growth during the golden age was especially impressive as during that period Japan was the only major Asian economy enjoying high growth Taiwan and South Korea at the time being small economies.

It world war 2 facts homework help not until later that the world had the exceptional growth of China raising the global average. Skidelsky also reports that inequality was generally decreasing during the golden age, whereas since the Washington Consensus was formed it has been increasing, world war 2 facts homework help.

Globally, the golden age was a time of unusual financial stability, with crises far less frequent and intense than before or after. Martin Wolf reports that between —71 27 years the world saw only world war 2 facts homework help financial crises, whereas from —97 24 years there were High productivity growth from before the war continued after the war and until the early s, world war 2 facts homework help.

Manufacturing was aided by automation technologies such as feedback controllerswhich appeared in the late s were a fast-growing area of investment following the war. Wholesale and retail trade benefited from new highway systems, distribution warehouses, and material handling equipment such as forklifts and intermodal containers.

Keynesian economists argue that the post war expansion was caused by adoption of Keynesian economic policies. Naomi Klein has argued the high growth enjoyed by Europe and America was the result of Keynesian economic policies and in the case of rapidly rising prosperity that this post war period saw in parts of South America, by the influence of developmentalist economics led by Raúl Prebisch.

One of Eisenhower's enduring achievements was championing and signing the bill that authorized the Interstate Highway System in It was believed that large cities would be targets in a possible war, hence the highways were designed to facilitate their evacuation and ease military maneuvers.

Another explanation for this period is the theory of the permanent war economywhich suggests that the large spending on the military helped stabilize the global economy; this has also been referred to as " Military Keynesianism ".

This also goes into hand with retired WWII vets with pensions to spend. This period also saw financial repression —low nominal interest rates and low or negative real interest rates nominal rates lower than inflation plus taxationvia government policy—resulting respectively in debt servicing costs being low low nominal rates and in liquidation of existing debt via inflation and taxation. Much property was destroyed in war.

In the inter-war period, the Great Depression also caused investments to lose value. During both World Wars, progressive taxation and capital levies were introduced, with the generally-stated aim of distributing the sacrifices required by the war world war 2 facts homework help evenly.

While tax rates dipped between the wars, they did not return to pre-war levels. Top tax rates increased dramatically, in some cases tenfold. This had a significant effect on both income and wealth distributions. Such policies were commonly referred to as the "conscription of income" and "conscription of wealth". a fundamental objection to the government's policy of conscription is that it conscripts human life only, and that it does not attempt to conscript wealth The Economista British publication, opposed capital levies, but supported "direct taxation heavy enough to amount to rationing of citizens' incomes"; similarly, the American economist Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Spraguein the Economic Journalargued that that "conscription of men should logically and equitably be accompanied by something in the nature of conscription of current income above world war 2 facts homework help which is absolutely necessary".

Rationing of goods was also widely used, with the aim of distributing scarce resources efficiently. Price controls were also used for instance, the price of restaurant meals was capped.

In the post-war period, progressive taxation persisted. Inheritance taxes also had an effect. Rationing in the United Kingdom lasted until Allied war bonds matured during the post-war years, transferring cash from governments to private households. In Japan, progressive tax rates were imposed during the Allied occupationat rates that roughly matched those in the United States at that time, world war 2 facts homework help.

Marginal tax rates were high on the rich, until falling quickly in the s. During the Arab oil embargo of —the first oil shock—the price of oil rapidly rose to double in price. Among the causes can be mentioned the rapid normalization of political relations between former Axis powers and the western Allies. After the war, the major powers were determined not to repeat the mistakes of the Great Depressionsome of which were ascribed to post—World World war 2 facts homework help I policy errors.

The Marshall Plan for the rebuilding of Europe is most credited for reconciliation, though the immediate post-war situations was more complicated. The European Coal and Steel Community formed the foundation of what was to become the European Union in later years.

Institutional economists point to the international institutions established in the post-war period, world war 2 facts homework help. Structurally, the victorious Allies established the United Nations and the Bretton Woods monetary systeminternational institutions designed to promote stability.

This was achieved through a number of policies, including promoting free tradeinstituting the Marshall Planand the use of Keynesian economics. Although it should be noted this was before modern eastern countries growing their workforce I, world war 2 facts homework help.

before the outsourcing problem protectionists point to. In the United States, the Employment Act of set the goals of achieving full employment, full production, and stable prices.

It also created the Council of Economic Advisers to provide objective economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of a wide range of domestic and international economic policy issues. In its first 7 years the CEA made five technical advances in policy making: [21]. The economies of the United StatesJapanWest GermanyFranceand Italy did particularly well. Japan and West Germany caught up to and exceeded the GDP of the United Kingdom during these years, even as the UK itself was experiencing the greatest absolute prosperity in its history.

In France, this period is often looked back to with nostalgia as the Trente Glorieusesor "Glorious Thirty", while the economies of West Germany and Austria were characterized by Wirtschaftswunder economic miracleand in Italy it is called Miracolo economico economic miracle. Most developing countries also did well in this period. Belgium experienced a brief but very rapid economic recovery in the aftermath of World War II.

The comparatively light damage sustained by Belgium's heavy industry during the German occupation and the Europe-wide need for the country's traditional exports steel and coal, textiles, and railway infrastructure meant that Belgium became the first European country to regain its pre-war level of output in Economic growth in the period was accompanied by low inflation and sharp increases in real living standards. However, world war 2 facts homework help, lack of capital investment meant that Belgium's heavy industry was ill-equipped to compete with other European industries in the s.

This contributed to the start of deindustrialisation in Wallonia and the emergence of regional economic disparities, world war 2 facts homework help. The economic growth occurred mainly due to productivity gains and to an increase in the number of working hours.

Indeed, the working population grew very slowly, the " baby boom " being offset by the extension of the time dedicated to study. Productivity gains came from catching up with the United States. Among the "major" nations, world war 2 facts homework help, only Japan had faster growth in this era than France.

The extended period of transformation and modernization also involved an increasing internationalization of the French economy.

France by the s had become a leading world economic power and the world's fourth-largest exporter of manufactured products. It became Europe's largest agricultural producer and exporter, accounting for more than 10 percent of world trade in such goods by the s. The service sector grew rapidly and became the largest sector, generating a large foreign-trade surplus, world war 2 facts homework help, chiefly from the earnings from tourism.

The Italian economy experienced very variable growth. In the s and early s the Italian economy boomedwith record high growth-rates, including 6. This rapid and sustained growth was due to the ambitions of several [ quantify ] Italian businesspeople, the opening of new industries helped by the discovery of hydrocarbons, made for iron and steel, in the Po valleyre-construction and the modernisation of most Italian cities, such as Milan, Rome and Turin, and the aid given to the country after World War II notably through the Marshall Plan.

After Japan's economy recovered from the war damage and began to boom, with the fastest growth rates in the world. Japan emerged as a significant power in many economic spheres, including steel working, car manufacturing and the manufacturing of electronics. Japan rapidly caught up with the West in foreign trade, GNP, and general quality of life. The high economic growth and political tranquility of the mid to late s were slowed by the quadrupling of oil prices in Almost completely dependent on imports for petroleum, Japan experienced its first recession since World War II.

Another serious problem was Japan's growing trade surplus, which reached record heights. The United States pressured Japan to remedy the imbalance, demanding that Tokyo raise the value of the yen and open its markets further to facilitate more imports from the United States.

In early s, the Soviet Union, having reconstructed the ruins left by the war, experienced a decade of prosperous, undisturbed, and rapid economic growth, with significant and remarkable technological achievements most notably the first earth satellite.

The nation made it to the top 15 countries with highest GDP per capita in the mids. However, the growth slowed by the mids, as the government started pouring resources into large military and space projects, and the civilian sector gradually languished, world war 2 facts homework help.

While every other major nation greatly expanded its service sector, in the Soviet Union it was given low priority. Sweden emerged almost unharmed from World War II, and experienced tremendous economic growth until the early s, as Social Democratic Prime Minister Tage Erlander held his office from to Sweden used to be a country of emigrants until the s, but the demand for labor spurred immigration to Sweden, especially from World war 2 facts homework help and countries like Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia.

Urbanization was fast, and housing shortage in urban areas was imminent until the Million Programme was launched in the s.

A speech by UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan [31] captures what the golden age felt like, even before the brightest years which were to come in the s. Let us be frank about it: most of our people have never had it so good. Go round the country, go to the industrial towns, go to the farms and you will see a state of prosperity such as we have never had in my lifetime — nor indeed in the history of this world war 2 facts homework help. Unemployment figures [32] show that unemployment was significantly lower during the Golden Age than before or after:.

The period from the end of World War II to the early s was one of the greatest eras of economic expansion in world history. Bill financed a well-educated work force. The middle class swelled, as did GDP and productivity. The US underwent its own golden age of economic growth. This growth was distributed fairly evenly across the economic classes, which some attribute to the strength of labor unions in this period—labor union membership peaked during the s.

Much of the growth came from the movement of low-income farm workers into better-paying jobs in the towns and cities—a process largely completed by West Germanyunder Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and economic minister Ludwig Erhardsaw prolonged economic growth beginning in the early s. Journalists dubbed it the Wirtschaftswunder or "Economic Miracle".

Real Story!! Six-Year-Old Boy Fought In Battles, Becoming The Youngest Soldier Of World War 2

, time: 8:55

Post–World War II economic expansion - Wikipedia

world war 2 facts homework help

Fact Monster is a free reference site for students, teachers, and parents. Get homework help and find facts on thousands of subjects, including sports, entertainment, geography, Jan 15,  · Several different types of air raid shelters were used by the people of Britain during the Blitz of World War 2. Some of these shelters made use of structures and underground spaces which already existed, and some of the shelters were constructed from scratch. Here are some details about some of the different types. Cellars [ ] 25,+ printable worksheets for teachers & homeschool parents. Social studies, English, geography, people, seasonal & science worksheets. All curricula!

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